Auriferous Technologies



EASE - Procurement and Inventory management is more than a process. It is a dynamic, ever-changing practice that can quickly impact the bottom line when materials are delayed or unavailable. With EASE P/I, your company can drive down costs through proactive procurement management and a level of control that many small and mid-size companies have never been able to experience. EASE P/I’s inventory and procurement system enables advanced inventory and procurement processes.

  • Manage Purchase Requests from Department / Projects.
  • Automatic inventory update.
  • Request for Quotation from multiple suppliers.
  • Quotation receipts and price list updating.
  • Quotation comparisons.
  • Purchase order generation.
  • Manage Vendor database
  • Material Requests from Department / Projects.
  • Chain of Approvals through a predefined workflow for all the requests.
  • Bill of Quantity.
  • Automatic inventory update.
  • Request for Quotation for multiple suppliers.
  • Quotation receipts and price list updating.
  • A Complete Book keeping system
  • Quotation comparisons.
  • Purchase order generation.
  • Accruing from different Quotations.
  • Provision for Blanket Orders.
  • Direct Purchase Order.
  • User-definable purchase order comments.
  • Detailed freight and shipping instructions.
  • Set Terms and conditions for the Purchaser orders and manage insurance certifications that, if expired, can be set to block payment.
  • Easily manage multi-national vendors with purchase orders generated and the pricing maintained in their currency.
  • Review received materials reports with line-by-line details on the costs and quantities. Maintain Received and Approved stock quantity View real-time information from the inventory item record, including:
    • Stock status by category.
    • Vendors
    • Uses in other Project’s BOQs
    • Year to date summary


  • Get the right product, from the right supplier, at the right time, for the right price and the right quantity. In reality EASE P/I gives your organization the advantage of taking your procurement management to the next level, providing real time information to the department employees.
  • Individual user of different departments can request items directly.
  • Stock availability and subsequent stock commitment is performed real-time.
  • If warehoused items are unavailable when requisitioned, the outstanding portion will be automatically filled when re-supply occurs.
  • Disbursement reports identify which items to pull from stock, their stocking locations, and delivery information.
  • A multi-level, approval process prevents items from being ordered prior to all necessary sign offs.
  • Multiple requisitions for similar materials or services can be combined in one order, or a single requisition can be split up into multiple Quotation request/Purchase orders for a number of vendors.
  • Software shows which requisitions are on hold waiting for approval, approved but not ordered, and ordered but not received.
  • Comparing invoices to purchase orders and receipts has always been a time-consuming, paper-based, manual process. Now, with EASE P/I paperless procurement, invoice approvals and purchase order software, you simply enter the purchase order number on Invoice screen. EASE P/I immediately creates the complete invoice from the purchase order program and receipt information already in the system - in a paperless purchasing mode.
  • Consolidation of business process standardizes the core of business functions by allowing tracking and managing of projects in a more efficient manner, improving maintenance, allowing access and sharing of information among departments, improves effectiveness of planning, decision making and reporting. As a result there will be more effective capture, access and analysis of data. Administrative time is reduced, operational costs go down and data entry errors are nil.